
Project Graduation - Class of 2025

Class of 2025 Project Graduation - Volunteer Form

Dear Class of 2025 Parent,

Can you believe our children will be graduating in less than a year from now on May 24, 2024?  Well, it’s both painfully true and wonderfully exciting. And as some of you may know as well – there is another exciting event that comes with graduation – Project Graduation!!!

What is Project Graduation ("PG")??? It is a drug and alcohol free party held for the seniors immediately following the graduation commencement. Your participating senior will be transported to a specially selected site for an unforgettable night of FUN! Everything that is planned is kept secret until the attendees actually get to the site. It is the last party they will attend all together for a long time. The party lasts till dawn when they will meet their parents again back at the school. It is truly the most memorable event in your child’s life following their graduation. The entire evening is planned for safety and security and is well chaperoned by parents, alumni and other adult volunteers.

Of course there is a significant amount of effort involved to organize Project Graduation.  It will either take a lot of work for a few people, or a little work for a lot of people to organize and produce Project Grad 2025. Many parents have already volunteered and have been meeting since May 2024. We need more parents to get involved. To show your support to your graduating senior, please fill out this form or email  Kaiser PTSA Project Graduation (pgkaiser2024@gmail.com).  To offset a large portion of the cost for that night, we ask for donations from the community, have fundraisers, apply for grants through community foundations and rely on volunteer support in organizing the event.
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